Monday, July 6, 2009


There are a lot more reasons to be happy other than what I'm going to type about, but I hope I can add a fixed camera to that list. So I'm not going to post much info until it's ALL happy. If that makes sense. :D

Anyways, I KNIT A SOCK.

OMG yesyesyesyesyes.
Excuse the blurriness. And ew, look at my hand on the second one.

I had pretty much lost all hope for this sock, but today I had an epiphany.

And oh boy, was it great.

I think one of the main reasons I love knitting so much is just the blind adrenaline.

I know this sounds really ironic- but most of the time, figuring out a problem or finishing a project is intellectually amazing.

It's much better than any roller coaster I've ridden on or scary movie I've seen.

It's how I get my thrills.

I'll pass on the sky diving- give me some yarn and needles and I'll be happy.

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