Monday, July 20, 2009

long time no:


But seriously, it's been FOREVER.

And I don't want to get very deep with this, but lately I've
been feeling very, very, very old.

When I was in third grade, I didn't have any knowledge of the bad things in the world, or that I had to grow up, or what responsibilities were. I just wanted to be a kid. And play pokemon.

Ahhh, that was a good year.

Today Jacklyn asked me if in no matter what instance, truth is pain.

And it made me want to cry. Very badly.

It was just yesterday I was teaching Jacklyn how to roll over. And now she's asking me the meaning of life?

In one year she'll be in middle school. It feels like I was JUST THERE. I really won't know how to be there for her- kids are SCARY in that stage of life.

And I think we would know. LOL.

Remember that old movie where the kids have the watch that could stop time? And the main character was really hot (to a 7 year old girl)? Sometimes I wish I had that. The watch.

Time passes by WAY faster than I originally thought, and I don't always take fully advantage of the fact that I am yes, a human being. And that I have WAY more resources than most, and have a loving family.

I don't always enjoy life. Which, you shouldn't every second of it, but I feel I could be doing more.

These high school years will pass in the blink of an eye- we need to live out loud (and under our parent's monetary situation, LOL) while we can.

Also, where has summer gone? Multiple times I've asked myself, "WHY IS IT NOT HOT?"


The year 2017 is when I graduate college (if 4 years- which I fully suspect it will be), and the year that Jacklyn graduates high school.

We've decided to go on a road trip. And attend as many theme parks as possible.

I'll be 22. Rrrrrrg, I don't even want to think about that.

Can I stay 8 forever, please? Mommy?


Also, what happened to Shiny Toy Guns? Their new album SUCKS my grandfather's BUTT. Srz.


And to add some humour- here are some funny pictures. LOL.

And I will NOT post this video. Because it is horrible. And severely damaged my neck. XDDDD

You MIGHT need a magnifying glass for those. LOL. But you can totally see how much lighter my hair is now. Which is not by much- but there's a difference. LOL.

This video amuses me. LOL.

The angsty part of this post may have come from that fact that I had a bad weekend, or that I'm leaving in a week, for a week. By myself. To Boston. Or that I have had 0 Super Junior in my musical diet lately.



Time to GET HAPPY. :D

1 comment:

Fairy said...

LOL. That lady gaga thing was pretty hilarious//mega creepy. 8D

And you looked really blonde in those pictures XD