Tuesday, June 16, 2009


To start off this picture post: EYE CANDY.


Ahem. This kid was asleep at the American History Museum, and I walked past him like, five times.

Like, dancing and waving my arms to see if he would wake up. He didn't.

And it was the funniest thing EVER. 8D

It seems that my mom lost a leg somewhere along the trip. Ouch.

And all of the reflecting pools were so dirty and disgusting, it's like, REALLY, AMERICA? REALLY?

But they can't put chemicals in it because of the wildlife. They could at least fish out the empty plastic bottles.

This picture is so hilarious. Epic tourist fail. <---- Three words I hope to never say again in my life.

Jacklyn being fierce in the U.S. National Botanic Gardens. (Her idea of a fun trip.)

But I got some LOVELY plant pictures, like this:

At this point of the trip (the end), Ronald was starting to die, so I only got a few flower pictures. But this fiesta plant is mighty pretty.

I COULD make a vulgar joke about Jacklyn here, but I won't.

The wildlife in the city was so freaking unashamed. They would walk right up to you and demand food. Pigeons, squirrels, small pigs, freaking african babies.

They all wanted food.


It has important info- promise. 8D

I'll upload the other 1,000,000,000,000,001 pictures and stuff later.

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