Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Second Post.

If you only have time to read one, read the first. LOL.

I must have won a free book from a blog, because it showed up on my porch addressed to me.

And I did not order this book, LOL.

To the left of that is the hat I'm working on. It'll be done before the weekend. (Huge gauge.)

It's a hat with cat ears. NO, I will not wear it in public. Ever.

I really need a hat right now, because I have the dry, after-pool awful wavy hair.

And I have nothing to keep it up in.

So? A quick hat is in order. And I don't like regular beanies.

Plus, it's a procrastiknitting (LOL) project, because I SHOULD be making a beret for a hat swap I signed up for. That I have to mail July 6.

But I don't WANT to. D8

Anyways. Night.


Katrina said...

That book made me think of Remi cause she thinks her nose is big lolol.

Remi said...



respect it.