Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I look REALLY chubby in that picture. o_0

My dad's real name isn't Tim, but Timothy is his middle name.

So, I've named his iPod Timothy. After Little Timmy.

I mean, I've been bonding with the little guy. Loading over 20 CDs onto him takes awhile, y'know.

The plus side to this arrangement is that I can put them on my iPod too. (The good stuff, anyways. ;D)

So here's the list:

-Pretty much every Foo Fighters CD ever made.
-Dave Matthews Band
-Red Hot Chilli Peppers
-Pink Floyd
-I'm not sure, but the band is either called Tonic or Lemon Parade. I can't tell. LOL.

His music tastes are pretty defined. LOL.

But as a baby I pretty much fell asleep to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, so I automatically love them. We used to have a wooden stereo (LOL 80's) at my old house, and I used to bounce around to One Hot Minute and Californication.


Birthdays always make me sentimental.

My family watched Jacklyn's baby tapes, and I have to say I was quite the little brat.

Mom: "Look at the camera, Jacklyn!"

(I run up to the camera, shoving my face into it.)


Yeah, it was really appalling. I was an only child for four years after all, LOL.

My dad is obsessed with the Foo Fighters. Which I think is funny, since he used to be a fan of Nirvana back in the day.

And the Foo Fighters was founded by the drummer of Nirvana, so it's like the circle of life. :D

Back to syncing~


Fairy said...

The Foo Fighters are amazingness. David is like, hot. I know, he's really not. BUT I DON'T CARE.
I think nirvana's better XDD But I like the Foo Fighters.

I grew up to Peral Jam.

Jesse. said...

LMFAO he looks like a hairy pug.