Sunday, June 21, 2009


I blog when I'm bored, which explains why I've lacked it this weekend.

I've had a REALLY good weekend. :D

Also, I'm going to start another long-term project for the homespun. I'm knitting a huge blanket, with these monstrosities:

I just took a shower, but I wanted the comparison to my head. They're size 50. LOL.

I'm going to look like I'm playing baseball with them.

To prepare for this project, I've been winding all of the loose skeins into balls. (The yellow was the test run.)

And it's totally fun and relaxing.

Who knows? Maybe I'll become a part-time knitter and a full-time winder. LOL.

I also signed up for a hat swap (BAD IDEA), so now I have to knit a "beret in earthy colors" by July 6th. Why did I sign up for that? WHY? Especially why did I sign up for one where the other person chooses what they want?

But it'll turn out good. Hats are easy. 8D

Rambling, rambling. Good night. ;D


Fairy said...

Will you knit me a hat in trade for my love? <3


Jesse. said...

But you don't like hats. D8