Thursday, July 9, 2009

Odds and ends.



These socks are totally not for public wear, but I'm super glad with how the first one turned out.

Now all I have to do is make the other, LOL.

I ordered these babies off of the internet awhile back. Because I'm making a schweet cabled purse. That will replace my regular one. Because it's 10X the awesome. Plus it's orange.

Also- I got paid THIRTY DOLLARS for that babysitting job.


I mean, one of the kids are in diapers, and it was for four hours, but THIRTY DOLLARS?

I am so open to babysitting for that family like, for all of eternity.

So here's what happened:

What, could I help it that I have zero cool/darker colors in my stash?

Or that they were having a MEGA SALE of 50% off?

Or that the yellow was CALLING to me?

Nope. I feel no guilt. I have very specific plans for it all anyways. ;D

1 comment:

Remi said...

I wanna know the super secret project. D8