Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Too much to do.

Too much to enjoy, anyways. ;D

Yep, thats my "to read" pile. Notice a whole SEPERATE pile for V.C. Andrews.

Yes, I admit I am an addict. To 80's trash novels laced with incest.


I'm learning how to crochet granny squares. And YES. I. WILL. LEARN.

I think it's because I learned knitting first, but crocheting is just not happening. Even though it's easier.

I had a lot more to talk about, but I really don't remember.

Partially because Duke let rip. All over several of my items. Including my Curious George bag. (OMG SOB.) It's so soaked with Duke piss that there is NO way it's coming out in the laundry.

And I got the pleasure to clean up without the liquid vacuum thing, since no one charged it.

So it was only paper towels. For a full Duke bladder. (GALLONS, people.)

Anyways, my hands are infused with the stench.

Like my boyfriend's new tattoo?

It's my name. ;D

It's Trevor, the Asian body-builder. (A concoction partly to scare my mom- partly to entertain myself.)

At first she believed it, too. I'll have to send her this picture.

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